Both MRx Console for Win11 PC and MRx for the supported Mixed Reality headset are required.

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MRx Console

This is installed to your Windows 11 PC from the Microsoft Store. The Console is used for managing assets and content as well as launching lobbies. An active lobby session is needed to run the HoloLens app.

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MRx (HoloLens 2)

This is installed to the HoloLens 2 from the HoloLens Microsoft Store. An active lobby session, launched from the Console App, is required to run the app. The HoloLens must be on the same network as the Console laptop to join the session.


Create Content:

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Launch MRx Console on your laptop/desktop:

  1. Upload assets (models, videos, images) you want to use in your content.
  2. Start a session.

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Connect your HoloLens to the same network as your laptop/desktop and launch the MRx app:

  1. Join the session.
  2. Use ‘gaze and drop’ to create interactive content in Mixed Reality WYSIWYG.

Deploy Sessions:

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Launch MRx Console on your laptop/desktop:

  1. Launch local session or share content for remote sessions.
  2. Join local or remote (shared) session.

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Connect your HoloLens to the same network as your laptop/desktop and launch the MRx app:

  1. Join active or remote session.
  2. Start session to experience your content.


Please consult your IT dept if your devices and/or laptop is managed through an MDM or if you do not have administrative privileges.

  1. Windows 10/11 laptop/PC.
  2. Microsoft HoloLens 2 headset(s).
  3. Wireless network router or WiFi.
  4. Internet connection and Microsoft account is required for remote sessions only.

Network Requirements:


Local Sessions

Ports: 7777, 7778, 5353


Remote Sessions

Ports: 443, 3478; 50000+


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MRx Console App

  1. Go to the Microsoft Store on your Windows 10/11 laptop/desktop . Download and install MRx Console to your machine.

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MRx App

  1. Go to the Microsoft Store on your HoloLens 2. Download and install MRx to your HoloLens 2 device(s).


To export SOLIDWORKS models, please refer to:


MRx supports .glb models. If your 3D modeling software does not export to .glb, we recommend exporting your model in a format supported by Blender (e.g. .fbx, .obj).


  1. MRx model ingestion supports one material, texture and normal per mesh. Transparency is supported.
  2. Triangulate to optimize (minimize) polygon and vertices count.
  3. Use per–vertex normal and UV.
  4. Set origin to Center of Mass (Volume). Recenter model by setting Location X, Y, Z to 0. You may also want to set Rotation angle so model is aligned horizontally to the X axis.
  5. Check that Scale is set to 1.00.

Coordinate System:


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See the next section for an example on how to prepare 3D assets with Blender.


  1. Launch MRx Console on your laptop/PC.
  2. Click ‘Assets’ on the top menu bar.
  3. Enter a name for your asset group and click ‘Create Asset Group’.
  4. Click ‘Add Asset to Group’ to upload assets into the asset group.

Supported File Formats:


3D models: .glb

2D images: .png

Videos: .mp4


  1. Launch MRx Console on your laptop/PC.
  2. Click ‘Create Content’ on top menu bar.
  3. Enter content information and select the asset groups you want to use in your content. Click ‘Next’.
  4. Click ‘Launch Lobby’. This launches the Session Manager window.
  1. Launch MRx on the HoloLens to join the lobby session.
  2. Select new or last saved space (only if editing previously created content).
  3. Place the anchor on the ground, air tap to lock in place.
  4. Input Step Name for the first step on the session manager.


  1. Launch MRx Console on your laptop/PC.
  2. Click ‘My Content’ on the top menu bar.
  3. Click ‘Local’ for the desired content.
  4. Click ‘Launch Lobby’. This launches the Session Manager window.
  1. Launch MRx on the HoloLens and join the lobby session.
  2. Select new or last saved space on the Session Manager or HoloLens.
  3. Place the anchor on the ground, air tap to lock in place.
  4. Launch MRx on any other HoloLens to join the session.
  5. When all participants are in the lobby, click ‘Start’ on the Session Manager.


Share content with participants for remote sessions. A Microsoft account is required.

  1. Launch MRx Console on your laptop/PC.
  2. Click ‘My Content’ on the top menu bar.
  3. Click the upload icon button of the desired content.
  4. Click the ‘On The Cloud’ button. The Microsoft Log-In panel may appear if you are not signed in.
  1. Click the ‘Share’ icon button for the desired uploaded content.
  2. Input participant emails to send download link.


Invited participants will need to install MRx Console and MRx HoloLens app. They will receive an email with a link to download the content.


A Microsoft account is required.


For remote particpants, install both MRx Console and MRx HoloLens 2 app. Click on the link in the invitation email and click ‘Download Simulation’ on the webpage.

  1. Launch MRx Console on your laptop/PC.
  2. Click ‘My Content’ on the top menu bar and click ‘On The Cloud’ tab. For remote participants, click on ‘Shared Content’ on the top menu bar.
  3. The Microsoft Log-In panel may appear if you are not signed in.
  4. Click ‘Remote’ (or ‘Join’ for remote participants) for the desired content.
  5. Click ‘Launch Lobby’. This launches the Session Manager window.
  1. Launch MRx on the HoloLens and join the session.
  2. Select new or last saved space on the Session Manager or HoloLens.
  3. Place the anchor on the ground, air tap to lock in place.
  4. Launch MRx on other HoloLens to join the session.
  5. When all participants are in the lobby, click ‘Start’ on the Session Manager.


Remote participants will join the session at the lobby and appear as avatars.



  1. Open a new scene in Blender. Go to File > Import and select the file type of the asset you want to import (.FBX in this example)

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  1. Select your model’s file and click Import FBX.

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  1. The red and green lines represent the x and y axes respectively. The scene origin is at the intersection of these two lines. When an object is selected, it will be highlighted with its pivot point, shown as an an orange dot.

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  1. Make sure you are on the Item tab and press “N” to bring up the Side Menu.

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  1. Make sure the object is still seletected then go to Object > Set Origin > Origin to Geometry. This sets the pivot point in the center of the object.

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  1. Notice that the pivot point is now inside the object. Hover your mouse cursor over the Location section of the Side Menu and click the Backspace key. The Location values should now all be 0.

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  1. Press “S” and move your mouse to scale the object. Left click on mouse when done. Likewise, you may also directly enter the Dimensions value by clicking on each respective value.

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  1. To rotate, press ‘R’ and move your mouse. You can lock it to rotate on only one axis by pressing the ‘X’, ‘Y’ or ‘Z’ keys for their respective axes. Likewise, you may also hold down “CTRL” and enter the rotation value. Left click on mouse when done. Note that “front” is in the direction of positive Y-axis (see axes diagram next to the Side Menu).

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  1. For this example, we want to rotate the car to face front (positive y). Press ‘R’, followed by ‘Z’, then type in 180 and left-click.

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  1. We now need to set the Scale and Rotation values to 1 and 0 respectively in the Side Menu. Press “Ctrl” and “A” together and select Rotation & Scale.

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  1. Each asset should only have one material on it to work well in MRx. To check, click on the Materials tab on the right toolbar.

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  1. Make sure only one material is shown in the Material List. If an object has multiple materials, you will need to combine them into a single material.

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  1. Go to File > Export > glTF 2.0 (.glb/gltf)

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  1. Ensure Format is set to glTF Binary (.glb).
  2. Under Include list, ensure Limit to, ‘Selected Objects’ box is checked.
  3. Under Geometry list, ensure Materials is set to Export.
  4. Navigate to the desired export folder and input the desired filename. Click “Export glTF 2.0”

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